- Producer: Pedro Villatoro
- Farm: Guayabales
- Region: Hoja Blanca, Cuilco, Huehuetenango
- Elevation: 1750-1800 MASL
- Variety: Bourbon, Caturra
- Processing: Washed with 36-48 hour fermentation after de-pulping, spread out on concrete patios and dried on under the sun for 11 days. Manually turned until they reach 11-12% moisture content
- Roast level: Medium/light
- WE TASTE: Hard candy sweetness, brown sugar, chocolate, dark berries.
We source this coffee through our friends at Onyx coffee importers. They are a Guatemala-specific importing company founded by Edwin Martinez, a third generation coffee producer himself. They import coffee from their family farms and also bring coffee from other farms that share their goals and values. Onyx has partnered with the Villatoro family for over 15 years to bring their coffee to roasters in the US. The Villatoros are well regarded as premier producers in Guatemala and grow extremely sought after coffees. They are regular prize winners in Guatemala Cup of Excellence and Best of Guatemala competitions. We have worked with Onyx since 2018 and have purchased numerous different lots from Onyx and the farmers they work with. Many of our favorites come from the Villatoro family including the Guayabales lot from Pedro.