This tasty coffee reminds us of: blackberry, milk chocolate, almond butter. Ella (ay-uh) is comprised of coffees sourced from three dedicated women-producers from three different regions of Guatemala:
Jovita Castillo from Finca La Joya Grande in Santa Rosa
Rita Cohen from Finca Santa Rita in Fraianes
Sofia Plocharski from Finca Armenia Lorena in San Marcos
These farms grow Bourbon, Caturra and Catuaí varieties between 1,400 - 1,750 MASL. Coffees are washed process (fermented for 36 hours after de-pulping) and dried in the sun on concrete patios over 10-14 days.
Across Guatemala, women are the majority labor force on coffee farms, from picking to export. And around the world women comprise up to 70% of farm work while owning disproportionately few assets and land. Despite limited access, discrimination and violence, many women have forged their own paths for their families through their coffee farms. This coffee represents the determination, strength and resilience of these wonderful women (and others like them).